InMode University is an international resource for providers to expand their understanding through online presentations. While every effort is made to ensure that the content posted by us online is current and accurate, we accept no liability for the content, accuracy, completeness or currency of that information and disclaim all liability to any person in relation to, or, in the use of, the information or data.
Physician presenters are independent contractors. InMode does not take responsibility for education provided by the independent physician proctors. InMode does not endorse any particular physician. Statements provided by physicians appearing during this training about InMode products are based on the individual experiences of those individuals. InMode does not endorse the settings discussed by any particular physician. Your individual experiences may vary. Any of those statements are those of the individuals making them and do not reflect to opinions or views of InMode, its parent or affiliate companies or any of their contractors.
Selections include:
- eLearning – educational, theoretical and clinical seminars featuring industry leading practitioners and InMode technology
- eLearning en Español – educational, theoretical and clinical seminars featuring industry leading practitioners and InMode technology
- Clinical Papers – peer-reviewed studies and publications
- Practice Management – digital and social media tools and practices to optimize marketing your practice to consumers